My Web Toolkit: Neil Patel

We started this series interviewing a successful Developer, now it’s time for one of the top 10 online marketers and his toolbox.

Neil Patel is Wall Street Journal’s top influencer on the web, also praised by Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, United Nations and President Obama himself.

Neil consults the largest enterprises, including Amazon, eBay, GM, HP, Microsoft and NBC, helping them maximize their revenue. But he’s best known from creating the three brands you surely heard of: Crazy Egg, KISSmetrics and Hello Bar.

Neil blogs at Quicksprout and speaks at 25 conferences a year. He lives in Seattle.


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Neil’s Top Web Apps

Neil Patel uses and recommends the following web tools:

  • googleanalytics Google Analytics“I use this tool to analyze how my websites are doing. It gives me a rough overview if there is growth.”
  • kissmetrics KISSmetrics“This tool helps me track my life time value and if things are getting better or worse.”
  • rescuetime RescueTime“I optimize my productivity through this free tool. It tells me how to save time.”
  • yesware Yesware“This free service tells me if people are opening up my emails. This is useful for sales.”
  • hellobar Hello Bar“It’s a great free tool to help you convert more visitors into customers.”
  • gmail Gmail“My inbox controls me. I run everything through it and Gmail is what I use.”
  • wordpress WordPress“I love blogging and WordPress by far is my favorite platform. Blogging is also how we generate most of our traffic.”
  • googlecalendar Google Calendar“My life is hectic and this app lets me easily organize my day.”
  • unrollme Unroll.Me“This is a great app that lets me remove junk from my inbox.”
  • .@neilpatel Top Web Apps: @GoogleAnalytics, @KISSmetrics, @RescueTime, @Yesware, @theHelloBar, @Gmail, @WordPress, @GoogleCalendar

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Web Apps Neil is involved in

“KISSmetrics and Hellobar. I am the co-founder of both of them.”

How does Neil find his apps?

“Word of mouth. When friends tell me about a app that’s great, I usually try them out.”

That’s all, but another “My Web Toolkit” interview is coming soon!

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