My Web Toolkit: Brad Frost

With this post we’re starting a new series – short interviews with popular Web Designers, Web Developers and e-Marketers. We ask them to share their Top Web Applications they use in their every day work.

Brad Frost is a web designer, speaker, writer, and consultant (also a musician!). He worked for large brands like TechCrunch, MasterCard, Verizon, Nike and many more.
From his headquarters in Pittsburgh, PA he’s tweeting and blogging, mostly about the web.
He’s also a frequent speaker at many events, including TEDx.


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Here are some tools and resources for Web Designers Brad helped to create: This Is Responsive,, Mobile Web Best Practices.

Brad’s Top Web Apps

Here are the web tools Brad Frost uses on a daily basis:

  • google Google Apps“for Gmail, calendar, and documents”
  • workflowy Workflowy“I’ve tried just about every to-do app, and Workflowy is the only one simple enough for me to manage and maintain”
  • harvest Harvest“to track my time, send my invoices, and keep track of expenses”
  • rdio Rdio“to listen to music while I’m working”
  • github Github“to host my code and communicate with the community”
  • dploy“to deploy my code”
  • basecamp Basecamp“to manage client communications”
  • mailchimp MailChimp“to send email campaigns” read our review
  • fitbit Fitbit“to keep track of my health, eating, exercise”
  • .@brad_frost Top Web Apps: @Google Apps, @WorkFlowy, @harvest, @Rdio, @github, @dployio, Basecamp by @37signals, @MailChimp and @fitbit

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Web Apps Brad is involved in

“I help with the direction of a tool called Pattern Lab Pattern Lab, which helps web designers/developers create interface design systems.”

How does Brad find his apps?

“I follow a few accounts like Lifehacker, The Next Web, and The Verge that post about new services.”

  • .@brad_frost: “I follow a few accounts like @lifehacker, @thenextweb, and the @verge that post about new services.” via @supermonitoring

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Stay tuned for the next “My Web Toolkit” post!

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