Best Outreach Tools for Crafting an Effective Link Building Strategy

Posted April 22nd, 2024 in SEO/SEM. Tagged: , .

Links are still very crucial metrics for pushing your website to the spotlight and ahead of the pack in search results. Sometimes, the only difference between a brand with a high level of online visibility that translates into more conversion rates and another one that’s not popular can boil down to their backlink profile.

door bell

Still, you’d be surprised to learn that many people don’t bother with links mainly because the whole approach seems complicated or they don’t get it at all. Can you imagine that about 95% of web pages do not have any backlinks? With link-building getting tougher, you need not only a good strategy but also the best link building outreach platform to make any meaningful progress. But how do you know which is right for you? Keep reading to find out.

Gather a bunch of SEO specialists and ask them which part of their job is most challenging, and over half of them will pick link building. Again and again, you must have seen the stats by Gael Breton that say 52.3% of link builders say it’s just complicated. Dig deeper, and you will hear outreach mentioned a lot. But why is this so?

Look, when it comes to outreach, you are dealing directly with individuals, so many of them. First, you have to search tons of sites to find the perfect website, i.e., relevant, with good traffic, etc. Next, you have to woo the webmasters or influencers with a fantastic outreach perfectly tailored to their preferences to link to your site. Keep in mind that all of this takes so much time.

The best way to cut down on time and not have to do all that work manually is to use reliable tools for outreach. Even if you choose to outsource most of your link building campaign aspects to LinksManagement or outrightly buy backlinks, having tools for outreach not only helps you save time, analyze, and check the best prospects or sites for links but also makes it possible to monitor your backlinks to ensure they are always live.

The survey by AuthorityHacker shows that most expert link builders build an average of 25 links each month, while newbies are lucky to snag 7 links. But even if you don’t have much experience with link building, you can increase your odds of landing more and, even better, making each link count. To do so, you’ll need the proper tools:

1. Semrush


Since all sites are not created equal, you want to be able to check potential site backlinks and traffic scores. This way, you can sift out any spammy and low-quality sites that might be a waste of effort or, what’s even worse, harm your search rankings. This is the sense of choosing Semrush and other similar software as your outreach tools.

But there’s more, including features that let you:

  • Find who’s linking to your competitors so you can reach out to them.
  • Automate email pitches and save time.
  • Analyze tons of backlinks and more.
  • Get service for a price that starts from $129.95 per month.

2. Ahrefs


Ahrefs shares the same features as Semrush. In fact, it is often listed as one of the main competitors to Semrush. Still, Ahrefs has always had a reputation for being a backlink analysis tool, which makes it ideal for:

  • Analyzing your competitors’ backlink profiles to discover relevant opportunities.
  • Checking out the keyword search volume, competition, and CPC of a prospective domain.
  • Learning the domain and URL rating of any site and making use of tons more fun features that are needed for other aspects of SEO.
  • Choosing the subscription plan that starts at $99 monthly.

3. Super Monitoring

Super Monitoring

The success of your campaign depends on the quality of links rather than just the volume, and this is why outreach software also comes equipped with analytic features that make it easy to find good domains with good link juice. With Super Monitoring, you get all the crucial details of relevant sites, which makes prospecting and automating link building easier.

Also, you can monitor your site (to avoid issues that might make it unappealing for other sites to link to you) and get the following perks:

  • Check if you are mistakenly blacklisted or block robots from crawling your sites.
  • Monitor if there are any malfunction issues and detect their root causes that can affect your campaigns.
  • Scan the quality of hosting services, nip downtimes in the bud, and more.
  • Start with a free trial or sign up later, with prices starting from as little as $5.99 per month.

4. Buzzsumo


Struggling with your link building outreach and feeling like it needs some lift? Then, using an outreach software like Buzzsumo might just be the right move to take. It offers tons of general SEO features but also allows you to focus on the following areas:

  • Search for bloggers, journalists, and influencers in your niche for link opportunities.
  • Analyze links and promising sites.
  • Discover brand mentions that are not linking to you so you can reach out to them to fix it.
  • Choose the plan from $159 charge per month.

5. Respona


Respona is another common tool for outreach that marketers add to their arsenal of link building instruments. Like all the rest on this list, it comes with tools to automate your link outreach and extra features for other SEO purposes:

  • Using prebuilt link outreach campaigns.
  • Performing competitor analysis that lists all the URLs, passing link juice to them, contact details, etc.
  • Finding resource pages that come in handy when researching relevant content topics for your campaign and more.
  • Having an opportunity of a 2-week free trial and a $399 pro plan.

Link building requires you to be really great at crafting content that people fall in love with, which is one of the key strategies or a power link bait, according to The Niche Guru. But there’s more to keep in mind:

  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s not a good idea to depend on just one link building tactic for long-term use; you may miss out on really good opportunities this way. So, try to get listed on credible niche directories, reach out to journalists and other brands, do guest posting, etc.
  • Look before you leap with any prospect. Ensure that they are not using spammy or manipulative tactics to rank, as this has the potential to harm your search rankings and credibility.
  • Use natural anchors. The words your link is attached to must blend in with the rest of the content. Also, ensure that your links point to pages that add more context to the topic or content. This way, you add value for the audience and increase your referral traffic.
  • Remember that quality trumps quantity every time. So, focus on building links mostly from sites with high DR/DA. The occasional low- and medium-quality link here and there won’t hurt, but too many won’t do you much good either.
  • Mind that slow and steady don’t always finish the race first but will finish well. Be patient if you don’t see the kind of results you expect immediately. With consistent effort on your part, you will see some positive outcomes sooner rather than later.


You’ll have to look at your link building approach as a whole long-term relationship that requires tons of work to make it last. This may be off-putting considering the tedious process involved, but if you’re willing to invest in the right tools, you’ll be able to move faster than most. Like every profitable investment, the returns are worth every penny, time, sweat, and tricks it costs you.

About the Author

Alexandra Rumiantseva

Alexandra Rumiantseva is a research geek with degrees in both journalism and marketing who loves discovering and testing new digital marketing strategies. While she’s all about SEO and advertising, her heart beats for dogs and sunset, but she doesn’t get to write much about those.

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